Science, asked by santusk79, 4 months ago

Give some examples from daily
life where espansion of metal
by heatingis used Explain.​


Answered by gk9995286


The behavior of gasoline on a hot day provides an example of liquid thermal expansion in response to an increase in temperature. If car tank is filled and it left to sit on the sun, then gasoline expand in volume.

The gas gauge on a car.People are much more likely to run out of gas in the summer than the winter. Why is that? Well, the gas in your car expands, like anything else, and changes the reading on your fuel gauge. In the summer, the gas takes up more space in the tank, and so when it reads empty, there's significantly less fuel left in the tank than in winter. Maybe you get an extra 35 miles after it hits empty in the winter, but that won't be the case in the heat of summer. So, be careful out there! Don't be the fool who has to walk three miles to the gas station because they don't know about thermal expansion.

Answered by rahulram9791


Welding of rods,thermometer comes in contact with a hot object, the mercury expands and its level rises in the glass tube, indicating the temperature.

Hope it helps.

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