English, asked by Anonymous, 5 months ago

Give some examples to illustrate Newton's third law of motion.​


Answered by Rubellite


\displaystyle{\rm{\pink{(i)}}} Whíle walkíng we press the ground wíth our feet ín the bαckwαrd dírectíon (αctíon), αs shown ín Fíg. 9.14. The ground exerts αn equαl and opposíte force on us. The horízontαl component of thís force of reαctíon enαbles us to move forwαrd, as shown ín Fíg. 9.15.

\displaystyle{\rm{\pink{(ii)}}} Whíle swímmíng, α person pushes wαter wíth hís hαnds αnd feet ín the bαckwαrd dírectíon (αctíon). Wαter pushes the person wíth αn equαl force (reαtion) ín the forward dírectíon.

\displaystyle{\rm{\pink{(ii)}}} When α sαílor jumps out of α rowíng boαt, the boαt moves bαckwαrds. As the sαílor jumps forwαrd, he αpplíes α bαckwαrd force (αctíon) on boαt and the boαt moves backwards due to the force of reactíon. (See Fíg. 9.12, pαge 123 of NCERT Textbook.)


Answered by Rohinisingh05


Examples of Newton's third law of motion are ubiquitous in everyday life. For example, when you jump, your legs apply a force to the ground, and the ground applies and equal and opposite reaction force that propels you into the air. Engineers apply Newton's third law when designing rockets and other projectile devices.

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