Give some features of globalisation ??? (at least 5 )
The features of globalization may be discussed as follows:
1. It means free access to the markets in the world without any physical (quota) or fiscal (tariff) or any other governments) restriction. Hence, global consumers emerge demanding high quality products and more value for their money without any restrictions like parochial, regional or national consideration.
2. Globally standardized products need be marketed ail over the world. There are already many such products having world market. It includes the "lead" products in a region taking care of dominant needs of that region.
3. Globalization requires resources like raw materials, finance and technology. Free access to quality raw materials, latest technology and cheap finance are important characteristics of this process at less cost.
4. In globalization. Free mobility of managerial personnel and entrepreneurs result into mergers, takeovers and structural regrouping in countries across the globe.