English, asked by invisiblestar2, 4 months ago

give some points of Indian constitude max 8 points . definition of poverty ?​


Answered by Anonymous



Constitution :

  • Demand for a constituent assembly composed of the people of India officially asserted by the Congress for the first time in 1935.
  • the election of Indian constitution Assembly held in 1946 according to the cabinet mission plan.
  • the first session of the assembly was held in New Delhi on December 9, 1946. sachidanand Sihna was elected provisional chairman of the session.
  • on December 11 , 1946 , Dr. rajendra prasad was elected as the permanent chairman of the constituent assembly.
  • The constitution was framed by the constituent assembly of India, set up in December 1946, in accordance with the cabinet mission plan, under the chairmanship of sachidanand Sinha, initially.
  • the total membership of constituent assembly was 299, when 70 were representatives from the Indian states and other from British India.
  • the chairmanship of the Drafting commitee was Dr. BR Ambedkar , also called the father of the constitution.
  • the constituent assembly took 2 years , 11 months and 18 days to complete the constitution.
  • the constitution adopted on 8 November 1949 , contained 395 articles and schedule.
  • The constitution was delayed till 26 January because in 1929 on this day, indian National Congress demand poorna samaj in Lahore session under JL Nehru.
  • Indian constitution is a compressive document and it is the lengthiest written constitution in the World.


  • poverty can be defined as a social phenomenon in which a section of society is unable to fulfill even the basic necessities of life.
  • In India, the generally accepted definition of poverty emphasises minimum level of living rather than a reasonable level of living .
  • An Expert group of planning commission, defined poverty line on a nutritional norm of per capita daily intake of 2400 calories in rural areas and 2100 calories for urban areas. A person who fails to obtain the minimum level of calories is treated as being below the poverty line.

there are two types of common standards in economic literature for the measurement of poverty:

  1. absolute poverty
  2. relative standard

Absolute poverty : In the absolute standard , minimum physical quantities of cereals, pulses, milk, butter, etc.. are determined for a subsistence level and then the price quotations converted into monetary terms the physical quantities.

Relative standard: According to the relative standard, income distribution of the population in different frac

tile groups is estimated and a comparison of the levels of living of the top 5 to 10 per cent with the bottom 5 to 10 per cent of the population reflect the relative standard of poverty.

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