give the adjective form of the following: use, child, month, year, thirst, food, love, black, greed, play
Opinion An opinion adjective explains what you think about something.
Examples: funny, beautiful, ugly, easy
Size A size adjective, tells you how big or small something is.
Examples: small, tiny, large, little
Age An age adjective tells you how old or young someone or something is.
Examples: new, young, old
Shape A shape adjective describes the shape of something.
Examples: round, uneven, triangular
Colour A colour adjective, describes the colour of something.
Examples: black, pink, orange, blue
Origin An origin adjective describes where something comes from.
Examples: English, American, western, Spanish
Material A material adjective describes what something is made from.
Examples: plastic, metal, paper
Purpose A purpose adjective describes what something is used for. These adjectives often end with "-ing".
Examples: sleeping (as in "sleeping bag"), baking (as in "baking tin")
I think it is helpful so don't forget to follow mee
- usage
- childish
- monthly
- yearly
- thirsty
- fruitful
- lovable
- blackish
- greed ( as it is )
- player