Biology, asked by heyshona, 1 year ago

give the answer of given question



Answered by ishu3788
the characteristics features of anthers,pollen and stigma

ishu3788: no
Answered by prafullsupe78
Hi mate.

Thanks for asking this question.

Here is your answer,

anemophily \: \%

The transfer of pollen grains from

anther to receptive stigma through the agency

of wind is known as Anemophily and the

flowers or plants are known as Anemophilus


It is most primitive and simplest type of


Mostly Anemophilus plants produces

unisexual flowers.

floral \: adaption \: \%

(1) Flowers are small and inconspicuous ( not

distinct ) .

(2) Flowers are not bright in color with sweet


(3) Flowers does not secret nector.

(4) Petals are very small and highly reduced.

(5) Stamen is with long filament and versatile


(6) Pollen grains are produced in large quantity

to fill up their wastage.

(7) Pollen grains are small, dusty, smooth

walled and light in weight.

(8) Style is long with large feathery stigma to

trap the pollen grains.

e. g) Jowar, Maize, Sugarcane, Grasses, etc.

Thank you.

BE BRAINLY !!!!!!!!!!!
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