Chemistry, asked by murali44, 1 year ago

give the characteristics of hyroden


Answered by dpk2333
is it hydrogen.
if yes...

hy­dro­gen has the atom­ic num­ber 1, and has 1 elec­tron and 1 pro­ton;

the atom­ic mass of hy­dro­gen is 1.00795. There are 3 iso­topes with the mass num­bers of 1, 2, 3. Their prop­er­ties are very dif­fer­ent, as even in­creas­ing mass by one means a dou­ble in­crease for hy­dro­gen;

as it has only 1 elec­tron in the out­er lev­el, hy­dro­gen dis­plays both ox­ida­tive and re­duc­tive prop­er­ties. Af­ter it gives its elec­tron, hy­dro­gen is left with a free or­bital, which takes part in the for­ma­tion of chem­i­cal bonds ac­cord­ing to a donor-ac­cep­tor mech­a­nism;

hy­dro­gen is a strong re­duc­er, and so in the first group of the main sub-group this el­e­ment leads the al­ka­line met­als as the most ac­tive;

in in­ter­ac­tion with strong re­duc­ers (for ex­am­ple met­als), hy­dro­gen be­comes an ox­i­diz­er, re­ceiv­ing an elec­tron. These com­pounds are called hy­drides. For this prop­er­ty, hy­dro­gen leads the sub-group of halo­gens, with which it shares sim­i­lar­i­ties;

the low atom­ic mass makes hy­dro­gen the light­est el­e­ment. The den­si­ty of the el­e­ment is low, so hy­dro­gen is called a stan­dard of light­ness.

Hy­dro­gen is a unique chem­i­cal el­e­ment that does not re­sem­ble any of the oth­ers, with spe­cial prop­er­ties of enor­mous sig­nif­i­cance and im­por­tance.

Phys­i­cal prop­er­ties of hy­dro­gen

Hy­dro­gen has the fol­low­ing phys­i­cal pa­ram­e­ters:

melt­ing tem­per­a­ture — (-259.2) de­grees Cel­sius;

boil­ing tem­per­a­ture — (-252.76) de­grees Cel­sius;

in this in­ter­val, hy­dro­gen is a col­or­less liq­uid with­out any smell;

at high pres­sure, snow-like crys­tals of sol­id hy­dro­gen form;

in spe­cial con­di­tions, hy­dro­gen is ca­pa­ble of mov­ing to a met­al state;

hy­dro­gen is in­sol­u­ble in wa­ter, so it can be ob­tained in the lab­o­ra­to­ry by the wa­ter dis­place­ment method;

in or­di­nary con­di­tions, hy­dro­gen is a col­or­less gas with­out any smell or taste. It is a com­bustible and ex­plo­sive sub­stance;

it dis­solves well in met­als be­cause of its abil­i­ty to dif­fuse through their thick­ness;

hy­dro­gen is 14.5 times lighter than air;

the crys­tal struc­ture of the sim­ple sub­stance is molec­u­lar, and the bonds are weak, which means it breaks down eas­i­ly.

suvethasvb2018: awesome
dpk2333: hope it's helpful
suvethasvb2018: yes!!! nice answer
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