Give the characteristics of the population pyramid of underdeveloped and Developed and developing country
The underdeveloped economy, going through the first stage of demographic transition, generally has high birth rate and high death rate. In this case the base of the pyramid will be very extensive, sharply tapering upwards, as the percentage of lowest age-group is highest but old age-group is lowest due to less life-expectancy.
The developing economy, passing through second stage of demographic transition, will witness drastic drop of death rate and unchanged high birth rate due to extension of medical facilities. In this situation the base of the pyramid will remain very broad due to high fertility but the top will be slightly larger than first stage due to decline of mortality.
In the third phase of demographic transition—when the economy of the country is stable and developed — death rate is reduced drastically and birth rate also declines considerably. So, the base of the pyramid becomes smaller but upward portions remain comparatively wide.