Biology, asked by kiran01486, 1 year ago

Give the definition of endocrine glands or ductless glands. Write the names of any two endocrine glands and hormones secreted by them.
What do you understand by ductless glands? Give the function of thyroid gland.


Answered by Anonymous



Endocrine glands are special type of glands which pour their secretions directly into the blood.As they do not have ducts to carry their secretions they are also known as ductless glands, their secretions are known as hormones.Hormones are produced in very small amount and transported by blood to target organ/tissue, where they produce their effect.

Hormones are called chemical messengers.They along with nervous system control and coordinate activities of all other system of the body.


\begin{tabular}{|c|c|}\cline{1-2}\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\bf{Endocrine gland}} & \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\bf{Hormone}}\\ \cline{1-2} Pitutitary & Growth hormone and hormones which controls activities.\\ Thyroid & Thyroxine \\ Parathyroid & Parathormone \\ Adrenal & Adrenuline \& Corticoid hormone\\ Thymus & Thymosine \\ Pancreas & Insuline\\ Testes & Testosterone\\ Ovary & Estrogen,Progestrone \\ Hypothalamus & Releasing\:factors(Control\:activities along all glands)\\ \cline{1-2}\end{tabular}


This gland is situated under the voice box and thyroxine hormone is secreted from the posterior part of the gland.This hormone controls metabolic activity of the body.


  • This hormone controls the metabolic activity.It increases the protein translation, use of glucose and heart rate.
  • It's deficiency causes slow heart rate, dull body, weak mental growth.

Anonymous: Super Duper answer ... ♥️
Anonymous: Great ♥️
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