Give the difference between
Craniata and
The key difference between Acrania and Craniata is based on the presence or the absence of head or skull in the particular organism. The organisms belonging to the subphylum Acrania do not have a cranium or a distinguished head structure. In contrast, organisms belonging to subphylum Craniata possess a cranium.
Acrania vs Craniata
Acrania is a subphylum of Chordata in which organisms do not have a cranium or a distinguished head structure.
Craniata is a subphylum of Chordata and the organisms belonging to the subphylum Craniata that possess a cranium or a distinguished head structure.
Presence of a Cranium, Brain, Skull and a Jaw.
Absent in Acrania.
Present in Craniata.
Presence of a Vertebral Column
Absent in Acrania.
Present in Craniata.
Organisms of Acrania are mostly marine or lives in close proximity to coastal areas.
Organisms of Craniata can be terrestrial, aquatic or airborne.
Presence of a Chambered Heart
Absent in Acrania.
Present – varies according to different classes in Craniata.
Branchiostoma and Asymmetron are examples of Acrania.
Petromyzon, frog, fish, are examples of Craniata