Give the difference between the coriander leaves and mint leaves. Plz reply fast it's urgent........
Coriander is also known as cilantro or Chinese parsley. It is an annual herb in the family Apiaceae. All parts of the plant are edible, but the fresh leaves and the dried seeds are the parts most traditionally used in cooking.The leaves have a different taste from the seeds with citrus overtones. So some people find the leaves to have an unpleasant soapy taste or a rank smell and avoid them.The fresh leaves are an ingredient in many foods.
It has a greek origin
Mint leaves (known as Menta in Spanish) are in the family of aromatic herbs that are used to add specific aroma to dishes. They taste like very mild peppermint with a cool aftertaste.
On visual inspection, they look so much like our Scent leaves (Nchanwu, Efirin) in that the leaves are arranged in opposite pairs on the main stalk and the leaves from these 2 herbs look very much alike.
But the scents and tastes of Mint Leaves and Scent Leaves are not the same at all. I have tried it in a few Nigerian dishes: Ofe Akwu, Pepper Soup and as vegetable to spice up my Beef Stew and each of these meals tasted like I added … Drummer Boy Air Freshener to the meals. It was a very odd flavour for me and I did not enjoy the meals at all.
So can Mint Leaves be used as alternative to our Scent Leaves? It’s a big NO from me and my family. If you have never tried it and you are curious about the taste, do try it and see if you like it.
hope it helps u