give the information about(granulosa or leech)
phylum: Hixundinaria, Granulosa( leech)
It is found in ponds lakes rivers, swamps
AC, and in the moist soils near such water bodies!
- It is a taccuitative ectoparasite of cable and other
moment it sucks blood by pesiodically coming in
contact with the body of the lost
- Its body is some what dorsoventraly tlattend
and measure about ison in length but it can
stretch its length upto zoom, when acquired it is
live seen in color
the body is divided into 33 segments and each.
segment has su festial 2 to 5 annuni
Leech is heamaphrodite animal but shown Cross
Adult granulosa cell tumor (GCT) is a rare ovarian malignancy having good prognosis in comparison with other epithelial tumors. The study aims to collect data of all granulosa cell tumors diagnosed in ESIC Medical College & PGIMSR, Rajajinagar, Bangalore over the last 3 years and to describe the patient profile, ultrasonographic and various histopathological features.
Materials and Methods:
A total of 4 granulosa cell tumors were diagnosed in ESIC Medical College & PGIMSR, Rajajinagar, Bangalore during the period from June 2010 to June 2013. The patient's age, clinical manifestations, radiological and histopathological findings were evaluated.
All 4 patients were diagnosed as adult granulosa cell tumor, three of four cases were in premenopausal age group and one case was in perimenopausal age. The clinical manifestations were menorrhagia and abdominal pain. Ultrasonographically, 2 cases of granulosa cell tumors were both solid and cystic and one case each was either solid or cystic. Histologically, variety of patterns like diffuse, trabecular, cords, spindle and clear cells were noted. Both Call-Exner bodies and nuclear grooves were observed in all cases. All four cases showed simple hyperplasia without atypia endometrial findings. Follow up on all patients revealed no evidence of recurrence.
Granulosa cell tumor of the ovary is a rare ovarian entity. The important prognostic factor is staging of the tumor. Staging and histopathology helps in prediction of survival. hu Also diligent endometrial pathology has to be sorted to rule out endometrial carcinoma.
Leeches are segmented parasitic or predatory worms that belong to the phylum Annelida and comprise the subclass Hirudinea. They are closely related to the oligochaetes, which include the earthworms, and like them have soft, muscular, segmented bodies that can lengthen and contract.