English, asked by tarunsa2005, 1 year ago

Give the letter for information School activity for fit India Movement


Answered by Anonymous

I hope this letter find you in great health and spirits. I am writing this letter to share with you my views on the Fit India Movement launched recently. To promote fitness and health among the people of India, Prime Minister Narnedra Modi, launched Fit India Movement on August 29, 2019, which is also the National Sports Day and marks the birth anniversary of famous Indian hockey legend, Major Dhyan Chand.

I strongly feel this Movement will inspire, motivate, and encourage our countrymen to make efforts to keep themselves fit. The mission of an advanced country can only be achieved by making every Indian fit. I am going to do exercise regularly to keep myself fit. I suggest you to do the same. The rest is fine. Parnam to uncle, and aunt.  

Yours Sincerely


Answered by Anonymous

I HOPE THIS LATER find you in great health spirit .

i am waiting this later to share with you my views on the fit indai movement among the people of india , prime minister nander modi launched fit india movement on August 29 ,2019 which also the the national dport day and marks the birth day anniversary of famous indian hockey legend majar dyan chan

i strongly feel this movement will aspire and motivated and courage aur country men to make the effort themselves fit

this mission of a advanced country can only achieve by making every Indian fit

i am going to gym ,excise to keep my self fit, i suggest to Same to do same me ....

kindly grant my answer brainist

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