give the location and functions of Stigma
hey dude....stigma is a sticky substance located at the top of pistil which serves as a landing platform for pollen grain and decides the compatibility ...i.e. entry of pollen into style for fertilisation
The stigma (plural: stigmas or stigmata) is the receptive tip of a carpel, or of several fused carpels, in the gynoecium of a flower.
Function of a Stigma
In order for plants to survive, they must have a means for fertilization and reproduction. In plants, the male gametophyte used in reproduction is pollen. For fertilization to occur, the pollen grains must be transferred from the anther, where they are produced, to the pistil, which contains the female gametophytes. Pollen is often transferred by wind or by animals, such as butterflies and bees. In order for the pollen to reach the female gametophyte inside the pistil, it must have a place to land and enter. In a flower, this landing zone and entrance is the stigma. It plays a pivotal role in reproduction.
Most stigmas are adapted to trap pollen with hairs, flaps and other surfaces to increase their efficiency. Most stigmas are covered with a waxy, sticky substance. This wet substance allows stigmas to provide an important service by re-hydrating dry pollen to prepare the grains to enter the ovary and initiate the process of fertilization.
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