English, asked by HaRsHiT9499, 1 year ago

Give the meaning and significance of the following lines:
his wings are clipped and
his feet are tied
so he opens his throat to sing.​


Answered by kaitlyn04


"his wings.... tied"

the poet explains that the caged birds wings are clipped so that he can't fly and his feet are tied as to say that the bird is restricted from being free and is stuck in the cage for his entire life.


the caged bird has no other way of expressing himself but by singing. back then, during Maya Angelou's days, the most prominent way of protesting was by writing songs and singing them in public thus what the caged bird does.

Answered by CopyThat



But a bird that stalks  

down his narrow cage

can seldom see through

his bars of rage


His wings are clipped and his feet are tied, So he opens his throat to sing.​

Give the meaning of the above lines.


The poem articulates the poet’s emotions against racial discrimination. The free bird represents the white race and their domination where as the caged bird becomes a metaphor for African- American and their confinement. The bird's wings are clipped and feet are tied. It refers to the limitations put on him. But he doesn't give up hope and try to sings and sings very sadly.


Maya Angelou was born in America. She was a celebrated poet, novelist, memoirist, dramatist, actress and a civil rights activist. Her important work include a series of autobiographies with her book I know why the caged bird sings and four memoirs. She has also written poems and books which include children books and a cook book and Elder Grace The Nobility of Aging (2005).

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