Give the meaning of cattle killing tiger and nuisance in 'The Blue Bead'
Norah Burke, the writer of the story “The Blue Bead”, has given a graphic picture of an exciting adventure — an encounter between Sibia, a 12-year old girl and a crocodile. The crocodile is the focus of interest and the story begins from the habitat in which he is living. He is living on the ghat of a great Indian river. This river is being used to float the timber which comes from the forests above. Some logs of wood or ‘sleepers’ lie stuck around the big stones which block their way. These sleepers are a good resting place for the huge crocodile. Quite often this crocodile comes upto the sandbank to breathe the sunny air.
I hope this is right
nuisance: a person or thing causing inconvenience or annoyance.
cattle-killing tiger: