Give the names of five data types used in MS-Access.
Text Short (< 255 characters) like names, article titles, zip codes, short descriptions, etc
Memo Long texts like article body text, blog posts, long descriptions
Number Quantity, size, length, weight, speed, scores, percentages
Date/Time Birth date, order date, expiration date, creation date, subscription date
Currency Prices
AutoNumber Primary key fields
Yes/No Yes/No situations like 'wants to receive newsletter or doesn't want to receive newsletter', 'product is on offer or product is not on offer', etc.
OLE object Used to embed or link to documents from other programs like Excel and Word.
Hyperlink Used for hyperlinks
Attachment Used to store files in an Access database. The attachment data type lets you store one or more files per record.
Calculated Calculated fields allow you to store the result of a calculation that includes data from other fields. Storing data that can be derived from other fields should however be avoided in database design. The use of calculated field is not recommended.
Lookup wizard.. A lookup wizard field lets the user choose from a predefined set of options, like a "male" or "female" selection or a "country" selection.