Computer Science, asked by khalidk2243, 1 year ago

Give the parts of the keyboard?


Answered by san235
~ TILDE This serves t
Sto. Niñ0 , in describe a ra wall outlet st
` ACCENT GRAVE This is used multivowel w
! EXCLAMATORY POINT It is used for for coding la
@ at sign It's a replace for an email of email nam example@g
# hash tag This symbol i describe as n media to des your post.
$ Currency Symbol This is used money, in ke
% Percentage It is used in property of a example 5% 0.05
^ Caret This key fou used to indic operations.
& and sign or amper sand Use to descri ampersand. language like
* Asterisk This used to Multiplication application.
( Open Paren thesis This is mainl word which i or sentences application li
) Close Paren Thesis This is mainl word which i or sentences application li
- Dash In Mathemati
_ Under score It's an altern when the sp language, its $my_exampl
+ plus In Mathemati numbers.
= Equal It's used to s spreadsheet before the lo
{ Curly brackets It is used to other coding variable.
} Curly Brackets It is used to other coding variable.
[ ] Square Brackets In writing its operations, it
: Colon In URL it's us describe a dr
; Semi Colon In programmi of the instruc equal or use have a same
| Pipe or Vertical Bar It is also use a command l
\ Back Slash In a comman separator ind
" Double Quotation Mark It is used to describe as a remarks. Exa high","very lo
' Single Quotation Mark Use to quote President sai programming lateral string
< Less Than Use to comp numbers in
> Greater Thank Use to comp numbers in
, Comma Its a punctua as an operat indicate thou to separate l
. Period This is used full stop of a parent direct
? Question Mark It indicates a browser it in
/ Froward Slash In Mathemati symbol and s MS-DOS.
- Minus Mathematica
TAB Tabulator This is the i the tabulator
Caps Lock Capital Letter Lock For the capi writing.
Shift Shift key There are 2 s upper keys d
CTRL Control key There are 2 keys to funct images abov
Windows Logo Flying Windows key This is used of the deskto
ALT Alternate key There are 2 numeric key another spec or other sym
Spacebar spacebar This is used words, or us at the specifi
Desktop Property Key Desktop Property Key This is used like as a righ desktop or in
Backspace Backspace This is used left side.
Enter key Enter key Use as to ac
Print Screen SysRq Print Screen System Request This is used t computer or
Scroll Lock Scroll Lock This is used t are meant to moving the c
Pause Break Pause Break In multimedia in command used to break
Insert Insert It is used to a text with th
Home Home This is used t keyboard at t paragraph.
End End This is used t keyboard at t
Page up Page up This is used t going up.
Page down Page down This is used t going down.
Delete Delete This is used t right side
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