English, asked by hargfrieysh4, 1 year ago

Give the portrait of the stranger in context with the statement "you don't understand who i am or what i am.I'll show you." A man cornered by circumstances can go to any length. Do you agree? Comment. (CHAP 7)


Answered by manjushasudhind
Griffin had encountered countless difficulties since he had become invisible. He was able to extricate himself from all  of them and reached the small town of Iping. He had hoped to work peacefully to reverse the effects of his invention, so that he could live without any difficulties. He transferred his paraphernalia to the inn. But he was frustrated because he could not achieve his purpose.

The scarcity of finance also disturbed him and he head to conduct a burglary in the vicarage. Meanwhile Mrs. Hall, the owner of the inn, had serious doubts about him, which she and her husband shared with the neighbours.

When he came back, they tried to shut him out of the parlour; but he had succeeded in tricking them and getting into the parlour. But his order for breakfast was ignored and he had to come down to demand it. But Mrs. hall served him with the outstanding bills and refused to serve him food unless he paid his due. She went on to accuse him of the burglary in the village. 

He was at his wits end and proceeded to prove that he was not an ordinary man like everyone. He plucked his nose and put it in the tray in the hands of Mrs. Hall. This caused great commotion because as he removed his nose there was a hole. Then he proceeded to unveil himself and began to turn invisible.

Griffin who was frustrated with his invisibility and inability to live like other man was blinded with anger. At such a stage no human being can think straight. He also neglected the possible consequences and had started something which could no longer be reversed. So he went all the way and became invisible thereby busting his secret.
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