Give the preventive measures of following diseases.
Tuberculosis, Hepatitis, Dysentery, Cholera & Typhoid
The preventive measures include:
1. Tuberculosis: Take all medicines prescribed by doctors, Covery your moth when you sneeze or cough, Wash your hands after sneezing or coughing, Don't visit many people, etc.
2. Hepatitis: Get vaccines, Practise appropriate hygiene, Don't use personal items of the infected person, etc.
3. Dysentery: Wash your ahnds with soap and warm water throughout the day, Avoid sharing towels, Wash your ahnds before eating and/ or cooking food, Wash laundry of the infected person, etc.
4. Cholera: Drink fresh and safe water, Wash your hands throughout the day, Cook food well, give heated food to the infected person, etc,
5. Typhoid: Frequently wash your hands, Avoid drinking contaminated water (drink/ use fresh and safe water), Avoid raw fruits and vegetables and choose hot foods
This took a lot of research and time to write- please mark as brainliest!
And I hope this helped :)