Give the pull factors and push factors of the causes if brain drain
The causes of brain drain include push factors, which are negative characteristics of the home country that forms the impetus for intelligent people migrating from Lesser Developed Countries, such as political instability, and pull factors, which are the positive characteristics of the developed country from which the ...
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※ Pull Factors
Pull factors are the positive characteristics of the developed country from which the migrant would like to benefit. Higher paying jobs and a better quality of life are examples of pull factors. Other pull factors include superior economic outlook, the prestige of foreign training, relatively stable political environment, and intellectual freedom. There may be other factors, some of which can be specific to countries or even to individuals.
※ Push factors
Push factors are negative characteristics of the home country that become the reason for intelligent people migrating from Lesser Developed Countries (LDC). In addition to unemployment and political instability, some other push factors are the absence of research facilities, employment discrimination, economic underdevelopment, lack of freedom, and poor working conditions.