Give the relative strength of various forces in nature.
☞ There are four fundamental forces in nature that govern the diverse phenomena of the macroscopic and the mivroscopic world.
☞ These are the 'gravitational force', 'electromagnetic force', the 'strong nuclear force', and the 'weak nuclear force'.
☞ Unification of different forces/domain in nature is a basic quest in physics.
1) Gravitational force :
→ Relative strength = 10^(-39)
→ Range = Infinite
→ Operates among = All objects in the universe
2) Weak nuclear force :
→ Relative strength = 10^(-13)
→ Range = Very short, Sub-nuclear size
→ Operates among = Some elementary particles, particulary electron and neutrino.
3) Electromagnetic force :
→ Relative strength = 10^(-2)
→ Range = Infinite
→ Operates among = Charged particles
4) Strong nuclear force :
→ Relative strength = 1
→ Range = Short, nuclear size
→ Operates among = Nucleons, heavier elementary particles