English, asked by avinash23445, 8 months ago

give the summary of the tale of melon city ????


Answered by Anonymous

\huge {\bold {answer}}:-

♥This poem by Vikram Seth is a humorous satire on people in power. The poet has humorously presented the idea that it does not matter to people who their ruler, king, or head of state is as long as he allows them to live in peace, liberty and the principles of laissez faire.

♥Once upon a time there was city named The Melon City. There lived a placid and just king. He proclaimed an arch to be constructed across the thoroughfare for the edification of people. The arch was built too low. The king’s crown was knocked down when he passed from below it. The king became angry and wanted to punish the chief builder by hanging them. The gallows were set up.

♥As the builder was brought for hanging, he fell on his knees pleading for mercy. He said it was the workmen’s fault that the arch had been built low. The king pardoned the builder and ordered the workmen to be hanged. When the workmen were to be hanged, they pleaded to the king it was not their fault. They had been supplied the wrong size bricks. So, the masons were called who passed the buck onto architect.

♥Thus everyone passed the blame to someone else. In this manner, architect was called to be hanged. With folded hands he reminded the king that the king himself had made amendments in the plan he had shown him.

♥Now the king became very confused. He said he needed some counsel on this very tricky matter as to who must be hanged. So he ordered the wisest man of his kingdom to be brought to him. In that kingdom wisest was he who was the oldest in age. So a man who was on death bed was brought. He advised the king that it was the arch that was the culprit and it must be hanged. So a huge gallows were set up for the hanging of the arch. Now, a councilor said the arch could not be hanged as it had become pure by touching the head of the king.

♥By this time the crowd had become impatient and restless for a hanging. Fearing their subversion the king ordered immediate hanging of anyone to pacify the crowd. So all who were present, were tried to fit in the high set noose. Only the king fitted perfectly. And according to his order he was hanged.

♥Now this city had a bizarre custom of electing the new king. Any one passing through the street the next day would elect the king. So when the guards, next morning asked the passer-by who must the king be of the city, he replied, “Melon”. This passer-by was an idiot whose staple answer to all the questions put to him was “Melon”.

♥So a melon was crowned as the king. Thenceforth the city came to be known as ‘Melon City’. This is the story the city people tell to those who ask them the reason behind the name of their city.

Answered by Kannan0017


The poem The Tale of Melon City is a narrative poem about how a melon, following a custom, was chosen to become the king of a state. It narrates in an amusing tone the events leading to such a situation when no other but a melon was coroneted as the king.

The poem begins with the description of a just and peace loving king ruling an ancient state. Once the king planned to construct an arch, spanning the main thoroughfare. The purpose of the arch was to improve the onlookers morally and provide aesthetic joy to them. The plan of the king was executed immediately.

One day the king was passing by the side of the thoroughfare. The arch was constructed very low so that the king’s crown struck against it and fell off. Immediately the king responded negatively. He felt dishonored. He decided to hang the chief of builders holding him responsible. Necessary arrangements were made for the hanging.


The chief of builders in his defence shifted the responsibility to the laborers. On hearing so, the king adjourned the proceedings for a moment, and then decided to have all the laborers hanged. According to the laborers, it all happened due to faulty size of the bricks. So, the king summoned the masons. They, in their turn, put the blame on the architect. The king decreed to hang the architect. The architect reminded the king that he had made certain amendments to the plans when they were shown for his approval. In a way, the architect indirectly put the blame on the king. The argument of the architect left the king completely confused. Considering the matter to be intricate, the king sought the advice of a wise man. He ordered to bring to him the wisest man in the country.

The king’s men could find out the wisest man and, accordingly, he was brought to the court of the King. He was so old that he could neither walk nor see. According to the old man, the real culprit was the the arch. It was the arch that hit the crown violently and it fell off. So, the arch was to be hanged. The arch was led to the scaffold. At that time, a councilor said that it would be very shameful act to hang the arch that hit the king’s head.

The crowd was getting restless. In order to appease the mass, the king commented that someone must be hanged as it was the public demand. The noose was set up. It was somewhat high. Each man was measured turn by turn. Interestingly, there was one man who was tall enough to fit in the noose, and it was the King. So, his majesty was hanged.

The ministers heaved a sigh of relief that they were able to find someone, otherwise the crowd might have risen in revolt. Now the issue came up as to who would be the king of the state. The old custom was invoked. They sent out the heralds to proclaim that the next to pass the City Gate would choose the King. An idiot happened to pass the City Gate. The idiot was asked who was to be the king. The idiot uttered Melon. Actually that was his pet answer to all questions since he liked melons. The ministers coroneted a melon and placed the melon king reverently at the throne.

All these events took place

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