give two examples of (a) muscular force (b) mechanical force (c) gravitational force (d) fractional force
1)muscular force -- lifting a book.
pushing a desk.
2)mechanical force -- running of a fan.
rotating of the blades of windmill.
3)gravitational force -- falling down of Apple when left from above the ground.
the attraction of the planets towards the sun which is the cause of their fixed orbit.
4) frictional force -- the wear and tear of tyres on a rough road.
the sound produces by running parts of a machine is due to frictional force
- Muscular Force : The Force exerted by the muscles of the body is called Muscular force.
E.g; Pushing, Climbing
- Gravitational Force: The pull exerted by objects possessing mass is called Gravitational force.
E.g; A leaf falls from the tree, Rainfalls down to the earth.
- Frictional force: The force which always opposes the motion of one body over another body is called Frictional force.
E.g; Car to move on road without skidding, Cut wood with a saw.
- Mechanical Force : The force which contact with another object on which force is applied.
E.g; Pushing a door, Hammer is used to hit the nail on wall.