English, asked by shahzadaayazkne, 5 months ago

give two examples of plosives


Answered by Anonymous


In the most common type of stop sound, known as a plosive, air in the lungs is briefly blocked from flowing out through the mouth and nose, and pressure builds up behind the blockage. The sounds that are generally associated with the letters p, t, k, b, d, g in English words such pat, kid, bag are examples of plosives.

Answered by aditijaink283


The letters of the English alphabets that make a particular speech sound by partially or completely closing the vocal area. Except for vowels, all alphabets in the English language are referred to as consonants (a, e, i, o, u). The sound of these letters is not a vowel. Your vocal folds temporarily stop the airflow from leaving your lips when you pronounce the consonants.


Plosive is the phonetic symbol for stop. The consonants known as plosives are those that are spoken by completely blocking the airway in the mouth. A key factor in the sound's creation is airflow. The lungs are stopped in this kind of sound to temporarily stop the air from exiting the mouth. This increases the pressure behind the obstruction and produces a sound that is typically represented by the letters s, p, d, t, b, and g. Plosive consonants are the grouping for these six letters.

Plosive consonants frequently appear as;

  • Bot,pot
  • Gone,tone
  • boat,moan
  • ping,skull


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