Science, asked by foxusqq, 10 months ago

give two examples to show how some chemical reactions can be harmful


Answered by darshitagowda


1. Mak­ing Hy­dro­gen flu­o­ride

Hy­dro­gen flu­o­ride is a col­or­less gas which has a rather acrid smell. This gas is made by chem­i­cal re­ac­tion: adding flu­o­rine to hy­dro­gen, which caus­es an ex­plo­sion. The gas cre­at­ed as a re­sult is used in in­dus­try to con­duct chem­i­cal ex­per­i­ments. The re­ac­tion is very dan­ger­ous, but hy­dro­gen flu­o­ride it­self is no less dan­ger­ous: the gas cor­rodes the mu­cous mem­brane and walls of the lungs if it en­ters the res­pi­ra­to­ry tract.

2. Berthol­let’s salt and red phos­pho­rous

Potas­si­um chlo­rate is of­ten used for mak­ing fire­works, as this sub­stance, which was dis­cov­ered in the late 18th cen­tu­ry is very ex­plo­sive. In it­self, Berthol­let’s salt is not dan­ger­ous, but if you mix it with or­gan­ic mat­ter, you can make an ex­plo­sive sub­stance.

Answered by heashikas


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