Give two organs in our body where ciliary movement occurs and mention their significance.
1.Amoeboid movement: Skeletal filaments and microfilaments in the cell are responsible for pseudopodia formation in cells. The pseudopodia is an extension of the cytoplasm in the direction the cell needs to move. In this way, it helps in the movement of the cell. This type of movement is exhibited by macrophages and leucocytes. So that they can move towards the foreign particles and diseased cells and capture them.
2. Ciliary effect: Reproductive cells like sperms and ova show ciliary movement. The passage of ova through the fallopian tubes towards the uterus is facilitated by this movement.
3. Muscular movement: Muscle cells exhibit movement through a type of contraction called muscular movements such as contraction of the heart, tongue movements, movement of limbs and jaw.