give your insights regarding the suffering of people who attempted to live as human beings.
Verified answer
There are much suffering in this world because although we are regarded as human beings, sometimes we are not treated like one. Some of those sufferings includes the lack of respect for equality. We cannot deny that there are still places and population in this world that creates a partition between the rich and the poor. Also, justice are not served to those who cannot afford it although in the first place it is within our inherent right that we should be accorded with justice and due process.
Everyone who is born as a human being suffers a lot to live.
Some of the sufferings experienced by humans:
Some people work very hard to meet the needs of their daily life and suffer from not being able to meet them.
Some people have a goal/dream of their own and try many ways to achieve it and give their hard work wholeheartedly and suffer from not being able to achieve that dream/goal.
Some people suffer from poor health