Give your opinion on how can we take steps to save:
Turn off faucets. ...
Turn off faucets. ...Tip: Be sure to fix leaks. ...
Turn off faucets. ...Tip: Be sure to fix leaks. ...Use every drop. ...
Turn off faucets. ...Tip: Be sure to fix leaks. ...Use every drop. ...Double-dip dishes. ...
Turn off faucets. ...Tip: Be sure to fix leaks. ...Use every drop. ...Double-dip dishes. ...Consider a smaller dishwasher. ...
Turn off faucets. ...Tip: Be sure to fix leaks. ...Use every drop. ...Double-dip dishes. ...Consider a smaller dishwasher. ...Buy a high-efficiency washer. ...
Turn off faucets. ...Tip: Be sure to fix leaks. ...Use every drop. ...Double-dip dishes. ...Consider a smaller dishwasher. ...Buy a high-efficiency washer. ...Go with low-flow. ...
Turn off faucets. ...Tip: Be sure to fix leaks. ...Use every drop. ...Double-dip dishes. ...Consider a smaller dishwasher. ...Buy a high-efficiency washer. ...Go with low-flow. ...Shorten your showers.
hope it works mark me as brainliest