Give your own position on this specific problem in South Africa
i) Economic reasons i.e., competition for resources
ii) Historical, political, and institutional i.e., Arpatheid and segregation laws
iii) Psycho social i.e., cultural stereotyping.
Xenophobia can be described as a deep dislike of non-nationals by nationals of a recipient country. In South Africa, the rate of xenophobia attacks has been on the rise since 1994 through discrimination and acts of violence due to lack of services and competition for resources. The South African government has failed to arrest and prosecute those responsible. In most instances, thousands of immigrants and foreign nationals flock into South Africa each year seeking refuge from; economic crisis, poverty, war and government persecutions from their mother countries. However, Xenophobia in South Africa has resulted in violence against these groups as most South Africans regard them as; competitors of scarce resources, takers of job opportunities from local South Africans, and criminals. This has been motivated through cultural stereotyping, historical, political and institutional reasons i.e., segregation and isolation policies, and economic reasons such as poverty, unemployment and inadequate border control.