Give your own position on this specific problem in your community violence against children
Violence against children in our community
Violence against children in our community is not apparently visible; but this problem exists in our country. UNICEF defines violence against children as "physical and mental abuse and injury, neglect or negligent treatment, exploitation and sexual abuse.”
Violence against children can happen anywhere – home, office, school, hostel, etc.
According to a report by the Ministry of Women and Child Development (MWCD), approximately 150 million girls and 73 million boys under 18 have been subjected to forced sexual violence.
The harsh truth is there is rampant violence against children. The Government must make stricter laws against this crime and strictly implement the laws.
There are many violence practise to which the children under 18 is subjected to. This community violence causes impact in the children life. The violence for them is usually caused by the society .The children are subjected to physical and nonphysical harassment. Subjecting the children to work at the lower age, there is no family support, sexual amusement.
Nowadays it is proved nearly the children are subjected to all kind of violent practise by the society. It is framed that when the children are subjected to these kind of violent behaviour then it causes impacts of life, and results in stress, pain, depression etc. The children must be given Awareness against all these violent practise.