Give your own position on xenophobia in your own community
Xenophobia is the fear and stigmatization of foreigners. People who look different, speak a different language, or have different customs can appear threatening to those who are used to only one particular ethnic group, lifestyle or set of behaviors.[1] But xenophobia can be overcome, and you can take it on either directly or through community engagement and political action.
Position on xenophobia in your own community
Xenophobia Fear and loathing of strangers or foreigners, as well as anything unfamiliar or foreign. The fear and stigmatisation of outsiders is known as xenophobia. People who look different, speak a different language, or have distinct habits might appear intimidating to people who are only familiar with one ethnic group, lifestyle, or set of behaviours. [1] However, xenophobia may be addressed, either directly or via community participation and political action.