Given an integer N, subtract the first digit of the number N from it i. e if n is 245 then subtract 2 from it making it 245-2 = 243. Keep on doing this operation until the number becomes 0.
Your task is to calculate the number of operation required to make this number N zero
In this case I am using C++ language here. Not sure if I am right or not... So here is my answer.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int n;
cout << "Enter number: ";
cin >> n;
cout << "The number of turns it took is " << n / 2 << endl;
return 0;
An expression set up of a subject, action word, item, and modifiers. A gathering of modifiers, a subject, an action word, and an item. A sentence that is developed with a subject, action word, item, and modifiers. a blend of subjects, action words, items, and modifiers.
Given that an integer , subtract the first digit of the number from it i. e if is then subtract from it making it . Keep on doing this operation until the number becomes .
We need to find the number of operation required to make this number zero.
program to find the count of Steps to
reduce to zero by subtracting its most
significant digit at every step
using namespace std;
Function to count the number
of digits in a number m
int countdig(int m)
return ;
return ;
Function to count the number of
steps to reach
int countSteps(int x)
count the total number of steps
int ;
int last ;
iterate till we reach
while (last)
count the digits in last
int digits countdig(last);
decrease it by
digits ;
find the number on whose division,
we get the first digit
int divisor , digits;
first digit in last
int first lastdivisor;
find the first number less than
last where the first digit changes
int lastnumber first divisor;
find the number of numbers
with same first digit that are jumped
int skipped (last lastnumber) first;
count the steps
the next number with a different
first digit
last last (first skipped);
return ;
Driver code
int main
int ;
cout countSteps;
return ;
Hence, the operation can be done with to be zero.