Computer Science, asked by kalyanireddychandupa, 1 day ago

Given an ordered linked list whose node is represented by 'key' as information and 'Next' as line field. Write a C program to implement deleting number of nodes (congestive) whose 'key' value are greater than or equal to 'Kmin' and less than 'Kmax' .​


Answered by kaurprabhjot20401


Data Structure is a systematic way to organize data in order to use it efficiently. Following terms are the foundation terms of a data structure.

Interface − Each data structure has an interface. Interface represents the set of operations that a data structure supports. An interface only provides the list of supported operations, type of parameters they can accept and return type of these operations.

Implementation − Implementation provides the internal representation of a data structure. Implementation also provides the definition of the algorithms used in the operations of the data structure.

Characteristics of a Data Structure

Correctness − Data structure implementation should implement its interface correctly.

Time Complexity − Running time or the execution time of operations of data structure must be as small as possible.

Space Complexity − Memory usage of a data structure operation should be as little as possible.

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