Given below are a few verbs that can be used both transitively and intransitively.
Use these in your own sentences in both the ways.
burn , stop , feel , open , walk , fly
Having burned the house the arrogant people stopped the protesting crowd by opening their knives and walked towards them by threatening voice & at once the said people feeling helpless left the spot and the birds which were watching the scene flew in fear & the arrogant mob felt safe and at that very moment burned the entire house and some opened the gate of their car and some vanished by walking like flying birds.
In this compound sentence all the words have been used as both transitive and intransitive verb. Sometimes their meanings are incomplete and dependent on other verbs. Hence those are intransitive verbs and again these words have been used as transitive verb with independent meaning. Slight changes have been made to cope up with the tense.
hu ggv hbbvvfghjnvvfuuhhgffftt 7yffddfggg