Given below are some facts about the life of a Dairy Farmer.
SeWrite Well
: Dairy Farmer.
Gets up
: 5.30 in morning.
Daily routine
Milks cows. Feeds animals and goes home
for breakfast. Takes tractor to get fodder
for cows. Mends his tools. Has lunch at 1:30.
Feeds animals and milks cows again. Goes
to bed early.
What he likes
about his job : Enjoys working on the farm and loves the
Works with
His wife helps with the animals.
Now write down a similar Fact File about someone you know.
Is this written by you .Its awsome
Note: One of my favorite things about dairy farms is that no two farms are exactly alike, so a schedule could vary widely from farm to farm. This is just an example.)
3 a.m.
kelsay parlor
Rise and shine! Unless you are a robotic dairy farmer (like Sommer Dairy Farm in Berne, Indiana), you begin your day pretty early. First on the agenda: milking the cows. Each cow spends less than 10 minutes in the milking parlor, but depending on the size of the milking parlor and how many cows need milked, it can take the farmers several hours to finish milking.
6 a.m.
Breakfast time! No, not for you–for the cows. Time to go put the morning feed out so cows can enjoy a nice breakfast after milking. Make sure you check the water troughs to make sure they aren’t frozen and are full of fresh, clean water.
7 a.m. Note: One of my favorite things about dairy farms is that no two farms are exactly alike, so a schedule could vary widely from farm to farm. This is just an example.)
3 a.m.
kelsay parlor
Rise and shine! Unless you are a robotic dairy farmer (like Sommer Dairy Farm in Berne, Indiana), you begin your day pretty early. First on the agenda: milking the cows. Each cow spends less than 10 minutes in the milking parlor, but depending on the size of the milking parlor and how many cows need milked, it can take the farmers several hours to finish milking.
6 a.m.
Breakfast time! No, not for you–for the cows. Time to go put the morning feed out so cows can enjoy a nice breakfast after milking. Make sure you check the water troughs to make sure they aren’t frozen and are full of fresh, clean water.
7 a.m.