English, asked by sandhiya77, 10 months ago

given below convey
onvey the following
4. Which of the two sentences gives
'It is not yet noon in Delhi.'
(a) Just the day breaks.
(b) The sun is just above my head

Respond to the following as directed
the options given below will suit the following sentence ?
If she had the book,
(a) she will lend me
(b) she would lend me
(c) she would have lent me
Identify the pattern of the following sentence:
The children in the classroom made a noise.
(a) SVO
(b) SVC
Choose the correct question tag for the following statement :
Nirmal will come with you,
(a) could he ? (b) won't he? (c) will you ?
Complete the sentence :
The fox is_
(a) the cleverest (b) cleverer than
(c)one of the cleverest

23232: 17)b, 18)c.
23232: Hope it helps you
annika8956: today did you write your English 1 st paper exam ?
23232: No. But why are you asking
sandhiya77: yes i wrote
sandhiya77: can i know the crct ans for 16
annika8956: won't he ?
annika8956: sorry SVO
sandhiya77: its crct ah
sandhiya77: confirm ah


Answered by PalaAdithyan

4) A) The day breaks

C) She would have lent me

B) Won't he?


A) The cleverest

PalaAdithyan: when the day breaks is meaning is MORNING
sandhiya77: the chil hides before or after or behind her mother
annika8956: I wrote behind
sandhiya77: yaa me too
sandhiya77: a teacher always makes us learning or learn or to learn better
annika8956: learn
sandhiya77: ok thanks
annika8956: I'm not sure about my answers
sandhiya77: okk
annika8956: check in padasaalai network
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