English, asked by schandru9876, 4 months ago

Given below is a profile. Write a paragraph using the cues given below


Age 35 years

Date of birth and place 24th August, Haveri

Qualification M.Sc., M.Ed.

Name of spouse Vani

Daughter Ankitha, studying in 5th Standard

Profession Assistant Manager, SBI, Hangal

Hobbies Reading and Trekking

Reasons for popularity Helps the poor and needy.​


Answered by adrk0017


Sudhakar is forty years old, middle-aged man living in Chennai. He was born on 25th October in Bellary. He was a MBA graduate. His wife was Smt. Radhika and she was an home-maker. They had one daughter and her name was Latha. She is studying in 7th Standard. He is working as Manager at Ranbaxy India Ltd, Chennai.

Answered by h3104178


This is a profile of Mr. Ganesh. He is 35years old. He is born on 24th august at Haveri. He is qualified as M.sc., M.Ed. His spouse is smt. Vani, they has a daughter named Ankitha, studying in class 5.His profession is Assisstant Manager in SBI at Hangal. His hobbies is reading books and trekking. He is popular by the reason that he helped the poor and needy

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