English, asked by mohnish1058, 5 months ago

Given below is an outline of the story given in the form of phrases. Fill in the blanks to create the complete story.
A rich man ……… had many servants……… purse with lot of money is stolen from rich man’s drawer……… rich man files a complaint in the police station ……… all the servants called ……… stick of same length given to each ……… servants told that stick of the thief will grow by one inch overnight ……… the thief cuts his stick by one inch ……… he is easily caught the next day.​


Answered by armaanmaan393

once upon a time there lived a rich man.he used to lead a very luxurious life having nuemerous servants around him.one day rich mans pures was stolen.all were so scared.and the rich man went to local judje to find the accused.then the workers of rich man were given sticks of same size.and they were told that the thifs stick would grow one inch long by tomorrow.then the thief foolishly cut down one inch of the stick.and nxt day he was caught.

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