English, asked by Vectooki4622, 6 months ago

Given below is the profile of thomas edward lawrence
write a short biographical sketch of him


Answered by NIPURNA


we want to write or we want to sketch

Answered by SONUKUMAR055235

Biosketch of

Thomas Edward Lawrence

Thomas Edward Lawrence was author, archaelogist and soldier who mobilised the Arab Revolt in World War One and became famous as' Lawrence of Arabia. He was born on 16 Agust 1888 in Tremadoc in Caerna - vonshire. He was the second of five boys to be born to Sir Thomas Chapman and Sarah Junner. Lawrence Studied at Oxford. High school and Jesus college, Later he worked as an archaeologist. When 1st World War broke out Lawrence became an intelligence officer and adviser to feisal. Arab Revolt began against Turkey with British military operations, which Thomas Edward lawrence coordinates. His aim was to help the Abrabs achieve military success. In 1914. Arabs forces won their first major victory, seizing Aqaba and success continued. After the fall of Damascus in 1918, lawrence left for Arab Independence in Conferences in london and Paris. His Translation of the Odyssey of homer was published in 1932, that was one of the successful of its time. In 1938, lawrence was injured in a motorcycle accident and as a result he die of his injuries.


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