Chemistry, asked by vsk007, 8 months ago

Given below is the sequence of Elements on the basis of their increasing atomic masses.
F<Na<Mg<Ai<Si<P<S<Cl<Ar<K. i) Write any two pairs of elements having similar properties
ii) Name the element which has inest gas, configuration. iii) Which law of classification of elements is reprerented by the given sequence?
iv)Write the number of valence elections and valency in Ar
v) Given Equations involved in formation of compound with Na & cl? ​


Answered by velvetfox1207


1. Na and K have similar properties

F and Cl has similar properties

2.Ar has inert gas configuration(2,8,8)

3. Properties of an element are periodic function of their atomic numbers

4.8 valance electrons and 0 vacancy

5. Na+Cl=NaCl

Hope it helps

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