Given below is what your friend has written in a paragraph on the theme of the story
"Gooseberries'. Edit the following passage :
The theme of Chekhov's story is finding happiness. It is a attack on man's
search for happiness. Some find happiness in eating, drinking and merry making. Some
find happiness in serving others and sacrifices making for them. Some find happiness
bye leading strict ascetic lives. Nicholai fads happiness by eating the sour berries. He
thought he can make the peasants happy by giving them half a bucket of vodka.
Happiness in eating Gooseberry
The Theme of the Chekov’s Story is about finding Happiness. The story is an attack on man searching for happiness. We can find happiness in many ways. People find happiness in eating, drinking, working, dancing and merry making. Happiness lies in serving the poor, the people in need, consoling others and making friends. Some people find happiness in sacrificing their life for others happiness and some find happiness in learning many Books, Cooking, Drawing, Playing and even by going out everyday with friends. Nicholi fads a boy in search of happiness, searched it here and there. One day he went to the farm in finding happiness at last he found a berry tree were plucked one berry and ate it he liked the taste from that time onwards he found his happiness in eating berries. So he came to an extent of giving bucket of vodka to eat lots of berries.