Math, asked by adityasrivatsan287, 1 month ago

Given here is a table with certain class intervals. If you double the interval, the frequency table will become different.Prepare a table with double that interval and state how it affects the interpretation of the data. Table: Frequency distribution of temperatures in 30 days of April,in city A. Spammers will be reported
need step by step explanation

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Answered by amitnrw

Given : a table with certain class intervals

To Find :  a table with double that interval


Temp         Tally marks         Frequency

24 - 28            III                      3

28 - 32            \setlength{\unitlength}{0.5cm} \begin{picture}(4,4) \multiput(2, 1)(0.2, 0){4}{\line(0, 1){0.5}} \put(1.8, 1){\line(2, 1){1}} \end{picture}                   5

32 - 36            III                      3

36 - 40            \setlength{\unitlength}{0.5cm} \begin{picture}(4,4) \multiput(2, 1)(0.2, 0){4}{\line(0, 1){0.5}} \put(1.8, 1){\line(2, 1){1}} \end{picture} \setlength{\unitlength}{0.5cm} \begin{picture}(4,4) \multiput(2, 1)(0.2, 0){4}{\line(0, 1){0.5}} \put(1.8, 1){\line(2, 1){1}} \end{picture} 1           11

40 - 44            \setlength{\unitlength}{0.5cm} \begin{picture}(4,4) \multiput(2, 1)(0.2, 0){4}{\line(0, 1){0.5}} \put(1.8, 1){\line(2, 1){1}} \end{picture} III                8

TOTAL                                   30

Class interval  = 4

Double class interval = 2 * 4 = 8

2 Cases can be made

Class intervals :  24 -32 , 32 - 40 , 40 - 48

or 20 - 28 , 28 - 36 , 36 - 44

Best would have been 22 - 30 , 30 - 38 , 38 - 46  , but data is not available for that

Class intervals :  24 -32 , 32 - 40 , 40 - 48

24 - 32   frequency 24 - 28  + 28 - 32    = 3 + 5 = 8

32 - 40    frequency     32-36 +  36 - 40  =  3 + 11 = 14

40 - 48  same as 40 -44      = 8

Temp         Tally marks         Frequency

24 - 32         \setlength{\unitlength}{0.5cm} \begin{picture}(4,4) \multiput(2, 1)(0.2, 0){4}{\line(0, 1){0.5}} \put(1.8, 1){\line(2, 1){1}} \end{picture}    III                8

32 - 40         \setlength{\unitlength}{0.5cm} \begin{picture}(4,4) \multiput(2, 1)(0.2, 0){4}{\line(0, 1){0.5}} \put(1.8, 1){\line(2, 1){1}} \end{picture} \setlength{\unitlength}{0.5cm} \begin{picture}(4,4) \multiput(2, 1)(0.2, 0){4}{\line(0, 1){0.5}} \put(1.8, 1){\line(2, 1){1}} \end{picture}  IIII           14

40 - 48           \setlength{\unitlength}{0.5cm} \begin{picture}(4,4) \multiput(2, 1)(0.2, 0){4}{\line(0, 1){0.5}} \put(1.8, 1){\line(2, 1){1}} \end{picture} III                 8

TOTAL                                   30


Temp         Tally marks         Frequency

20 - 28               III                   3

28 - 36         \setlength{\unitlength}{0.5cm} \begin{picture}(4,4) \multiput(2, 1)(0.2, 0){4}{\line(0, 1){0.5}} \put(1.8, 1){\line(2, 1){1}} \end{picture}   III                 8

36 - 44          \setlength{\unitlength}{0.5cm} \begin{picture}(4,4) \multiput(2, 1)(0.2, 0){4}{\line(0, 1){0.5}} \put(1.8, 1){\line(2, 1){1}} \end{picture} \setlength{\unitlength}{0.5cm} \begin{picture}(4,4) \multiput(2, 1)(0.2, 0){4}{\line(0, 1){0.5}} \put(1.8, 1){\line(2, 1){1}} \end{picture} \setlength{\unitlength}{0.5cm} \begin{picture}(4,4) \multiput(2, 1)(0.2, 0){4}{\line(0, 1){0.5}} \put(1.8, 1){\line(2, 1){1}} \end{picture} IIII     19

TOTAL                                   30

Learn More:

if 1-10 11-20 21-30 are the classes the upper limit of the class 11 -20 is

For the following frequency distribution:Class :0-5 5-10 | 10 - 15 | 15 ...

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