giving examples from the text show mrs. pumphrey extreme her love for tricki her pet dog.
Mrs. Pumphery had extreme love for her dog Tricki. This can be proven from these lines:-
•She always gave him his favourite food which were asked not to give him by the doctor.
•She didn't give him even proper exercise because she felt Tricki would be tired out of that.
•She also sent him his favourite foods, liike eggs and vine while he was admitted in the hospital, which food was eaten up by the doctor.
there are various incidents in the story which tells us that mrs. pumphrey loved her dog..
1)When James Herriot meets Mrs.Pumphery he advises to keep tricki on strict diet but pumphrey continues feeding the dog.
2) When Herriot takes tricki for fortnight the lady have tears and at the surgery she sends egg,wine, regain his health.
3) She was eager to meet tricki and when they meet,she becomes emotional.