Global understanding:
complet the statements and rewrite it.
According to the professor rocks are
like a ______.
According to the professor, rocks were like a
earth quack.
If you fill the jar with sand first, there won't be enough place for rocks or pebbles afterwards. This holds true for the people and things you let into your life. You will run out of room for the things that are truly important if you spend all of your time on the minor and inconsequential things. Your life is symbolised by the jar. The rocks stand for the most valuable things in your life: your health, your family, and your relationship. Those things without which your life would be meaningless (the pebbles and sand).
Global understanding: Rewrite it after you've completed the statements.
According to the professor rocks are like a ______.
We have to find the answer
Prioritize the most important aspects of your life and bother well about pebbles and sand later if you want to live a much more productive life.
=> It's the minor details. There would be no place for the rocks if you put the sand or pebbles in first. Your life is the same way. You will never have room for the truly essential things if you concentrate all of your energy and time on the minor details, such as material possessions. The pebbles represent different aspects of your life, such as your career, school, and residence. These things pass, and they aren't necessarily necessary for your general wellness. Even if the sand disappeared, the jar would have still been full and you life would still be important.