global warming in60 words
Heat is trapped by glass , and hence the temperature inside a glass enclosure will be much higher than the surroundings. This phenomenon was used to create an enclosure where tropical plants could be kept warm during the winters in colder climates. Such enclosures are called greenhouses.
Green houses have also lent their name to an atmospheric phenomenon. Some gases prevent the escape of heat from the earth. An increase in the percentage of such gases in the atmosphere would cause the average temperatures to increase world wide and this is called the green house effect.
Carbon dioxide is one of the greenhouses. An increase in the carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere would cause more heat to be retained by the atmosphere and lead to Global Warming.
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Write about global warming
- “Global Warming can be described as a term used to describe a gradual increase in the average temperature of the Earth's atmosphere and its oceans, a change that is believed to be permanently changing the Earth's climate.” -
- Global Warming is mainly caused by the greenhouse effect where the greenhouse effect itself is a natural and necessary phenomenon maintaining suitable temperatures for living systems and yes this is a good thing for life on Earth.
- Indeed, without it, there would be no life on Earth as we know it.
- The nearest planets to the Earth are Mars with a surface temperature of -53 degree C and Venus with a surface temperature of +450 degree C.
- Earth’s average surface temperature is a comfortable with an average of +15degree C, so just right for life and 33 degree C warmer than it would be without the greenhouse effect.
- A key feature of this temperature is the fact that water is liquid.
- The effect cause by gases in the atmosphere reducing heat loses by radiation back into space.
- They trap heat energy that is reflected from the Earth’s surface and reradiate it - some back to space and some back to the Earth.