Environmental Sciences, asked by shashi1495, 1 year ago

global warming what is the Global Warming effects on the earth ​


Answered by ValentinoRossi


The effects of global warming are the environmental and social changes caused (directly or indirectly) by human emissions of greenhouse gases. There is a broad scientific consensus that climate change is occurring, and that human activities are the primary driver.[1] Many impacts of climate change have already been observed, including extreme weather events, glacier retreat,[2] changes in the timing of seasonal events[2] (e.g., earlier flowering of plants),[3] changes in agricultural productivity,[2] sea level rise, and declines in Arctic sea ice extent.[4]

The physical effects of future climate change depends on the extent of prevention efforts (i.e., reducing greenhouse gas emissions). The social impact of climate changes will be further affected by our efforts to prepare for changes that do occur.[5][6] Climate engineering is another policy option, although there are uncertainties regarding its effectiveness and little is known about potential side effects.[7]

Near-term climate change policies could significantly affect long-term climate change impacts.[5][8] Stringent mitigation policies might be able to limit global warming (in 2100) to around 2 °C or below, relative to pre-industrial levels.[9] Without mitigation, increased energy demand and extensive use of fossil fuels[10] might lead to global warming of around 4 °C.[11][12] Higher magnitudes of global warming would be more difficult to adapt to,[13] and would increase the risk of negative impacts.[14]

This article doesn't cover ocean acidification, which is directly caused by atmospheric carbon dioxide, not the warming of global warming itself.

Answered by SelieVisa


Global Warming

Global Warming is the increase of temperature of the Earth and the atmosphere due to the presence of pollutants in the air. Several factors lead to global warming.

Trees and forests:

Our failure to take care of our forests is threatening the very existence of man and wildlife. Commercial logging for the timber industry had taken a heavy toll on our environment.

Population explosion:

It is reducing the forest cover of the globe rapidly. Population explosion too is putting heavy pressure on our forests because trees are felled to establish settlements for mankind.

Pollution of air:

Most of the Sun's radiation are reflected back into space while some are absorbed by the earth. Global Warming is the result of burning of fossil fuels like coal especially in power plants, the use of petroleum products in motor vehicles, and methane. These result in a build-up of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and other gases in the atmosphere. These pollutants trap solar radiation in the atmosphere and raised the temperature of the earth which will bring about devastating consequences.

Rising ocean level:

About three quarters of the globe is water. With the melting of the polar ice caps due to Global Warming half of the remaining land would vanish under water. The melting of the polar ice caps will increase the water level of the oceans. Coastal areas and island nations will be submerged under water. Bangladesh and the islands of Maldives will be among the first to disappear under water.

Trees and oxygen:

Trees are our precious natural life-saving oxygen cylinders. Trees absorb the harmful Carbon dioxide and release Oxygen. Deforestation contributes to the decrease in oxygen level and increase Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Increased Carbon dioxide level results in global warming as well as lungs diseases and cancer. With least oxygen in the air we breath, our health will deteriorate and life expectancy will become lower.


Deforestation must be checked and plantation of more and more trees must be taken up on a war footing. We need to shift to renewable and alternative forms of energy. The need of the hour is a mass global movement to reduce all forms of pollution and save our home the Earth and all living creatures on it.

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