CBSE BOARD X, asked by rifenrider7254, 8 months ago

Goal of your life, essay​


Answered by RiyanaDcunha



Goal of your life

Everybody has some or the other goals in their life. We all dream big of becoming something. I want to become a Successful Motivational speaker because the world needs it more especially the youths.

I am inspired by many successful people like Elon Musk, Oprah Winfrey, Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Nicholas, Nikola Tesla, etc. They had also struggled a lot in their life. Their stories have touched my heart to do something great in my life. I really like motivating and inspiring people around me. I like helping others and solving their problems.

Life is all about creating yourself. I want to do something extraordinary than my friends and family members. I feel happy when I motivate others to do something in their life. I just want to change everyone's life. At starting it may be difficult but when I get into that practice, I will perfect myself. I would like to share some tricks and tips on how to solve certain problems in life. I can understand everyone's problems and would really love to solve their problems.

As a Motivational speaker I just want to change people's mindset. We always think that if we do this what will people think of us. We always think of people, what will they say, how will they react etc. It's our life not theirs. God has given us a chance to make a difference in this world. I would be polite with everyone and try to understand their problems because it's my Dream and we should always Dream big. I don't listen to small people who tells me that I cannot do this. I just ignore them. I know what is better for me. We should always stand for ourselves in life.

People fail in their life because they dream small and achieve it. If we have a big dream and we fail it doesn't matter because we learn from it. 'Failure' is not opposite to 'Success' it's a part of success. We should always sacrifice for our dreams no matter what.

"Dreams are not something that you see in your sleep, Dreams are something that doesn't let you sleep".

" Always Dream Big ".

Thank you !!


\small\underline\mathcal\red{Hope \:  it  \: works \:  for  \: you☺☺}

\small\underline\mathcal\orange{Stay  \: Happy \:  and  \: Blessed☺❤}

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