English, asked by Anonymous, 11 months ago

Goals and accomplishments !! Competition is increasing so much these day. People are running behind money .

So my q is : what should be the basis of Life ?
What is more important ? Money or satisfaction

Lonf answer and dont copy


Answered by TheInsaneGirl
Heya !
★Money v/s Satisfaction ★

→Today's era is the age of Competition . Introduction of Modern technologies and advancements have changed the perspective of the society . Today's youth is so much engrossed in competition that many a times , it verges to obsession . Everyone today is running to secure their spot ! Success is what each one of us desires in Life .

=> As per me , for most of the people : money is a more important factor as compared to mutual satisfaction . Everyone wants to become a Doctor , Engineer etc . For most of them it's just because these are the profitable professions ! It's just 1 out of 100 who must have been passionate about it . Life is a profit or Loss statement for most of us !

-•So , with the arousal of such conditions , the conclusion is that money is more important factor for a majority of people . Who doesn't want to own a luxurious lifestyle :p you'd rarely find someone who wants to do something for the nation , without having an insight of his mutual benefit . Such people are difficult to find in today's scenario . But my friend , we need to always remember that money can't buy you everything .

★Money can buy food , not hunger
★Money can buy Bed , not sleep
★Money can buy clock , not time
★Money can buy people , not 'Respect' !!

▪So , I'll just conclude that life needs a balance of both the aspects . Obviously you need money to survive here :p but satisfaction is important as well for your own peace of mind.

=> Basis of Life ! Ah! this must vary from person to person . For me , I'd say that the basis of one's Life should be the very qualities that differentiate us from animals :p 'Humane Qualities ' : a thing that most of the people lack these days . Man is a social being . So , we need to treat everyone as equal : as our own family .

•-Life is full of experiences both good and bad : a roller coaster ride - both ups and downs !

→Life isn't about falling , it's about getting up every time you fall←

So , chose what you think is your passion ! Don't run behind money and fame . Try to achieve excellence and success is for sure . Be bold enough to do what you feel gives you satisfaction !! Correctly said :-

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass
It's about leaning to dance in the rain !!"

Wish you a successful life ahead ^-^

Thanks for the opportunity ❤!



Anonymous: Thank you very much @theinsanegirl
Anonymous: Answermy next q
Answered by GalacticCluster
Heya !

Here's your answer !!


In this modern era of human life, people see nothing except money and luxurious and comfortable life. We as humans in this world of high competition have always tried to be the first and defeat everyone in every area. Why so? It's just because of money and only money.

Students these days are living a much a more complicated life than the early time. They are so much engaged in studies, school, coaching amd what not. Parents say that study and study till you don't start earning money. Yeah! that's not false also but can it be called a life? No, I think that money is important for living in this universe but running after money is absolutely worst.

We get this precious life to live, to enjoy and to have a beautiful life and this can be done without much money if we are not greedy. In my opinion, do a work that you like the most and find yourself satisfied also. Going to office and listening lecture from your boss everyday. Really! Is it a life? Do something that gives you pleasure and which you are fond of. Either it can be sports, arts, music or youtubing, etc.

We should not run after money as it destroys our life and our loved ones. We give less time to our family and friends and this forms a line of separation among us. People get so much engaged in work for money that they are busy even if there is any celebration.

Whatever we'll do in life, we'll do for our ownself. Don't listen what others say, it's their work and they'll do so but ignoring everything we have to focus on our goal whixh has been set by our own mind and heart and not by anyone else. Do the work that satisfies you. Your satisfaction is beneficial for you and your family. Love our life and don't ruin it for money. Even if we earn little money, don't be sad, as we are doing what we like and that gives us an immense feeling of satisfaction and relaxation.

Yes, but for achieving anything we have to work hard. Work hard but don't spoil your life. It's Precious !

Do What U Like !!

Like What U Do !!


Thanks !!

Anonymous: Thanks a lot
GalacticCluster: welcome
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