English, asked by kedarjat9999, 1 month ago



Answered by singhshailender2009


Once three farmer brothers and their old mother lived in a village. They were simple and hard working people.They had a nice vegetable farm and were living a happy life.

Unfortunately a flood came and destroyed their village.

Thankfully the farmer family managed to gather their savings and some belongings.

Now they decided to migrate somewhere else.

''Let's go to my parents' village'' ,said the old woman, I have some share in my late parents' land. I will ask my brother to give me my share. We can start farming there. "

The woman reached her parents' home with her sons.

She asked her brother for her share. Her brother was selfish and mean. He kept all the good parts of land with him and gave her sister a small piece of land where there were no sources of water available around.

''You can stay here for few days but make your own arrangements as soon as possible.", he told his sister and nephews rudely.

The woman got so disappointed with her brother.

"Don't worry mother, we must be satisfied with what we have got and shouldn't waste our time in fighting and complaining. Let's think about getting out of this place.'' ,said the eldest son.

First they made a small shelter in a corner of their land and started living there. Somehow they managed to collect water for drinking and other uses.But farming needs a lot of water, how could they get water to farm?

They kept their worries for water aside and started tilling the land.

The three brothers worked very hard every day.

''We are almost done with tilling , only a small portion of land is left. Now we need water for planting seeds.'' Second brother got so tensed.

"Have faith in God , hopefully we will solve this problem." the elder brother told his younger brother.

Next day when the youngest of the three brothers was digging the soil he saw the fresh reed grass in a corner. The presence of reed grass indicated that there was water under the ground.

The thrilled young man called his mother and his brothers '' Look there, that is reed grass!''

"Oh! That means there is water here! Reed grows near water.", the mother exclaimed happily.

''God showed them the way.''

''We don't need to worry about water anymore , I am sure we will get water on our own land.'' ,eldest brother was hopeful as always.

The brave and laborious brothers started to dig the soil to find water. After the continuous labor and hard work of several days they reached the water table.

The efforts of the three young men finally paid off. The difficult time was over and the good days were about to come soon.

Moral of the story- God Helps Those Who Help Themselves - Aunt Mary

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